Have you ever been in a situation on the road where you wished you had a recording of an incident? 

Or perhaps you’re simply looking to improve the safety and security of your vehicle without breaking the bank. Can I use my phone as dash cam? 

Yes, you can definitely use your smartphone as a dash cam. Leveraging the capabilities of both old and new phones, you can capture high-quality footage during your drives.

can i use my phone as dash cam

A well-chosen dash cam app further enhances this experience by offering features comparable to a dedicated dash cam.

Can I Use My Phone As Dash Cam? – (Short Answer)

Absolutely, and here’s why it’s a brilliant idea! Using your smartphone as a dash cam is not only a genius way to repurpose an old gadget but also an incredibly cost-effective alternative to buying a dedicated dash cam. 

With a dash cam app and some preparation, you can transform your phone into a vigilant co-pilot.

But let’s not stop there; by selecting the perfect dash cam app, you are tailoring the experience to your needs. 

Looking for high-definition recording? Check. Need loop recording? Check. Want the camera to detect incidents automatically? Check again!

Additionally, smartphones come with the added benefit of being customizable. You can easily upgrade or switch out apps if needed. The options are limitless!

However, make sure to also consider the downsides. Your phone could heat up, especially during extended use. And, of course, it won’t be available for other tasks while it’s serving as your dash cam.

Nonetheless, with a pinch of preparation and the right set of tools, your smartphone can become your trusty sidekick, keeping a vigilant eye on the road ahead.

What You’ll Need to Transform Your Phone into a Dash Cam

A dash cam, or dashboard camera, is a device mounted on the car’s dashboard or windshield. 

It continuously records the view through the vehicle’s front windscreen and sometimes the rear or other windows.

If you want to use your phone as a dash cam then make sure you have all the essentials on hand:  

  • Old or new smartphone with a good camera: Quality is key; ensure your smartphone’s camera can capture high-definition footage.
  • Suitable mounting hardware: Invest in a sturdy mount to keep the phone stable while driving.
  • Power source for extended use: Ensure a continuous power source to avoid running out of juice mid-journey.
  • Adequate storage or cloud services: Space to store the footage is vital, consider cloud services for additional storage.
  • Selecting the right dash cam app: Choose an app that best fits your needs in terms of features and usability.
  • Optional accessories such as wide-angle lenses: Enhance the field of view with additional lenses.

The combination of these elements will ensure a seamless transformation of your smartphone into a dash cam.

How to Use an Old Phone as Your Dash Cam

Have an old phone collecting dust? It’s time to put it to good use. Transforming an old phone into a dash cam can be a fun and practical project. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set up your old phone as a dash cam effectively.

Factory Reset Your Phone

Factory resetting your old phone is crucial to remove any unnecessary data and applications. This will free up storage space and optimize the device’s performance as a dash cam. 

Go to settings, find the backup and reset option, and select factory data reset. Remember to backup any important data before performing this step as it will erase everything on the phone.

Download a Reliable Dash Cam App

Next, head to your app store and download a reliable dash cam app. 

There are numerous options available, so select one that aligns with your requirements and is compatible with your phone’s operating system. 

Look for apps that have good reviews and offer the features you need, like loop recording and incident detection.

Configure the App Settings

After installing the app, open it and configure the settings. This typically includes setting the video quality, determining how the footage will be stored, and adjusting other options like recording length and audio recording.

Navigate through the app’s settings menu. Set the resolution; 1080p is usually a good balance between quality and file size. 

Enable loop recording so that the app records over the oldest footage when storage is full. If the app has incident detection, turn it on, so it automatically saves footage of incidents.

Check or Replace Your Phone’s Battery

It’s essential to ensure that your phone’s battery is in good condition as it will be in constant use while driving. 

If your phone has a removable battery and it’s not holding charge well, consider replacing it. If not, ensure you have a car charger to keep it powered during your journeys.

Managing Storage and Recording Options

Storage management is crucial to ensure continuous recording. If your phone has limited storage, consider adding an SD card or using a cloud service. 

Some apps allow you to automatically upload footage to cloud storage, which is handy for preserving important clips. 

Regularly transfer or delete old recordings to maintain sufficient storage space.

Mount and Position Your Phone

Positioning is critical for capturing high-quality footage. Purchase a sturdy mount that can keep the phone stable even on bumpy roads. 

Windshield mounts are generally preferred as they offer an unobstructed view. Attach the mount as per the instructions, making sure it’s secure. 

Position your phone so that it captures a wide field of view but ensure it doesn’t obstruct your sight while driving. Adjust the angle to minimize glare and reflections.

Tips for Maximizing Performance and Safety

To get the most out of your old phone dash cam, there are some best practices to follow.

Keep Your Phone’s Software and Dash Cam App Updated

Regularly updating your phone’s software and the dash cam app is vital for optimal performance and security. Updates often fix bugs and improve functionality, which is essential for a device that’s crucial for road safety.

Check the Mount and Phone’s Position Before Each Journey

Before setting off, always check that the mount is secure and the phone is positioned correctly. This is vital to ensure that the camera captures clear footage and that the device is stable even on bumpy roads.

Avoid Interacting With the Phone While Driving

Safety is paramount. It’s crucial to avoid interacting with the phone while driving. If you need to adjust settings or do anything else with the phone, make sure to do so before you start driving or while the car is stationary.

Regularly Manage Storage

Since the dash cam app will be recording footage continuously, it’s important to regularly manage storage. Delete old footage that you don’t need, and consider using cloud storage if your phone has limited space.

Use a Good Quality Car Charger

Using a dash cam app can be battery-intensive. To ensure that your phone doesn’t run out of power during a journey, always use a good quality car charger. This will keep the device powered up and recording throughout your trip.

By following these steps and tips, you’ll ensure that your smartphone dash cam is set up for optimal performance and safety. Happy and safe driving!

Top 5 Dash Cam Apps for Smartphones

Discover the marvels of technology as we present the top 5 dash cam apps that will transform your smartphone into a high-functioning dash cam. 

We’ve meticulously selected these apps based on user reviews, features, and reliability. Let’s explore each one in detail:

1. AutoGuard Dash Cam

AutoGuard Dash Cam stands out for its user-friendly interface and robust features. Perfect for Android users, this app is an excellent choice for turning your smartphone into a dash cam.

  • Ease of Use: AutoGuard is known for its simple interface, which makes it easy for users of all tech levels.
  • Video Recording & Storage: Record high-quality videos with speed, location, and timestamp, and efficiently manage storage.
  • Background Recording: You can use other apps or make calls while AutoGuard continues to record in the background.
  • Impact Sensing: Detects sudden movements or impacts and saves relevant footage.
  • YouTube Upload: Conveniently upload your videos directly to YouTube.

2. Nexar – AI Dash Cam

Nexar – AI Dash Cam is compatible with both iOS and Android, leveraging artificial intelligence to offer an enhanced experience.

  • Intelligent Recording: Uses AI to analyze road conditions and capture important events.
  • Unlimited Cloud Backup: Offers unlimited cloud storage for your videos, ensuring you never run out of space.
  • Collision Detection & Reporting: In case of an accident, Nexar can automatically create a detailed report.
  • Integration with Nexar Hardware: If you opt for Nexar’s cameras, the app can seamlessly integrate with them for improved performance.

3. CamOnRoad

CamOnRoad is another brilliant app available for Android users. It’s not just a dash cam app but also offers augmented reality features and a car assistant.

  • Augmented Reality Navigation: Integrates navigation features with real-time video recording.
  • Dual-Mode: Supports recording from both front and rear cameras.
  • Cloud Storage: Offers 2GB of free cloud storage for saving videos.
  • Video Sharing: Allows sharing videos on social networks with a few taps.

4. DashCam

DashCam is designed for iOS users. It’s a minimalist app that focuses on simplicity and functionality without the bells and whistles.

  • Automatic Recording: Simply open the app, and it starts recording automatically.
  • Loop Recording: Older videos are overwritten by new ones, ensuring continuous recording without running out of space.
  • Collision Detection: Automatically saves the video in case of a collision.
  • Easy Export: Quickly save videos to your phone’s gallery or share via other apps.

5. Drive Recorder

Drive Recorder is a versatile dash cam app for Android that combines a range of features allowing for a reliable dash cam experience.

  • Multi-Resolution Support: Choose from various resolutions depending on your device’s capabilities.
  • Background Recording: Continues recording even when the app is not in focus or the screen is off.
  • File Compression: Automatically compresses video files to save storage.
  • Emergency Recording: In case of sudden movements or impacts, it records and protects the relevant video clip from being overwritten.

Perks of Using a Phone as a Dash Cam

Let’s have an in-depth look at the perks and cons of using your smartphone as a dash cam.

1. Cost-Effective

Using a smartphone as a dash cam is remarkably cost-effective. You save on the purchase of a dedicated dash cam since you already own the smartphone. Additionally, many of the dash cam apps are available for free or at a very low cost.

2. Multi-Functional Device

The multi-functional nature of smartphones is a huge advantage. While your phone is serving as a dash cam, it can also be used for navigation through GPS, or even to play your favorite songs during the drive.

3. Ease of Upgrading or Replacing

Smartphones are easy to upgrade. As technology advances, you can easily replace your old phone with a new one and enjoy enhanced features and improved camera quality.

4. Customizability

The ability to customize your smartphone dash cam through different apps and settings is a fantastic perk. You can tweak the settings according to your preferences.

Cons of Using a Phone as a Dash Cam

Now, let’s review the drawbacks of using a phone as a dash cam, to make the right decision.

1. Potential Overheating Issues

Smartphones might face overheating issues especially during prolonged use or in high temperatures. This can affect the performance and lifespan of your phone.

2. Limited Camera Quality

Compared to dedicated dash cams, smartphones generally have limited camera quality. The field of view might be narrower and low light performance not as good.

3. Distractions While Driving

Using your phone as a dash cam can also be a source of distraction. You might be tempted to use it for other functions which can divert your attention from the road.

4. Occupying the Phone

As your phone is being used as a dash cam, it becomes unavailable for other uses. This can be inconvenient especially on long journeys.

Is it Worth Investing in a Dedicated Dash Cam Instead?

While smartphones are versatile and handy, there are compelling reasons to consider investing in a dedicated dash cam.

1. Superior Video Quality

Dedicated dash cams typically offer superior video quality, with wider angles and better performance in low light conditions.

2. Enhanced Reliability and Durability

Built for the sole purpose of recording footage, dedicated dash cams are often more reliable and durable. They are designed to perform optimally in various conditions including high temperatures.

3. Specialized Features

Dedicated dash cams often come with specialized features such as night vision, parking mode, and g-force sensors which may not be available or as refined in smartphone apps.

4. Lack of Distractions

With a dedicated dash cam, there’s no temptation to use it for other purposes. This means less distraction and a safer driving experience.

5. Continuous Recording Without Occupying Your Phone

A dedicated dash cam can record continuously without occupying your smartphone, leaving it free for calls, messages, and other functions.

Considering these factors, it’s important to evaluate your specific needs and priorities. If you require high-quality recordings, reliability, and specialized features, investing in a dedicated dash cam might be the best option. 

However, if you are looking for a cost-effective and multi-functional solution, using your smartphone as a dash cam can be an excellent choice. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision based on your unique requirements.


In wrapping up, utilizing your smartphone as a dash cam is an innovative and cost-effective solution for added safety and peace of mind on the road. 

With just a few simple steps, such as selecting the right app and configuring settings, your phone becomes a valuable asset in your driving experience. 

However, it’s also worth weighing the pros and cons of this approach against investing in a dedicated dash cam, especially if high-quality footage and reliability are top priorities for you. 

Whatever you choose, drive safely and make the most out of the technology at your fingertips!


What are the best apps to turn my phone into a dash cam?

AutoGuard, DailyRoads Voyager, and CamOnRoad are popular choices for converting your phone into a dash cam. They offer features like HD recording, loop recording, and incident detection, making them robust choices for safe driving.

Can I use cloud storage to save dash cam footage from my phone?

Yes, some dash cam apps allow you to save your recordings directly to cloud storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox. This can be beneficial for saving space on your phone and ensuring the safety of the recordings.

How can I prevent my phone from overheating while using it as a dash cam?

To prevent overheating, avoid placing your phone in direct sunlight, use a car mount with good airflow, and consider using a phone holder with a built-in fan. It’s also advisable to keep the phone plugged into a charger to maintain battery levels.

Is it legal to use my phone as a dash cam while driving?

In most places, using your phone as a dash cam is legal, but laws may vary by location. It’s important to ensure that the phone is securely mounted and does not obstruct the driver’s view, and to follow local regulations regarding mobile device usage in vehicles.

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